
(Theme Song)

Painty: Are you ready, kids!

Kids: Aye aye, Captain!

Painty: I can't hear you!

Kids: Aye Aye Captain!!!

Painty: Oh...!!! (Singing) Who's lives in the pineapple under the sea?

Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants!

Painty: (Singing) Absorbing in yellow as porous as is he?

Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants!

Painty: (Singing) In Notical Nonsense be something you wish!

Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants!

Painty: (Singing) Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish!

Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants!

Painty: Ready!?!

Painty and Kids: (Singing) SpongeBob SquarePants! SpongeBob SquarePants! SpongeBob SquarePants!

Painty: (Singing) SpongeBob SquarePants! Ha ha, ha ha ha, Ah ha ha ha har!

Title: "Nickelodeon's The Adventures of Gary the Snail" (SpongeBob plays the flute)

Based on SpongeBob SquarePants Created By Stephen Hillenburg

Episode Title: "Party Monsters!"

French Narrator: Every day it is a holiday for everyone in Bikini Bottom even if they have to make one up. Everyone in Bikini Bottom even snails and worms are gone from vacation for a national no monsters day in Bikini Bottom putting the monsters in charge in the next five days. I wonder why...? (This starts where Puffy Fluffy Monster, Alaskan Bull Worm, Appetizer, Thousand Eyed Green Cave Monster, Giant Golden Eel and Rrarrg came in front of SpongeBob's, Patrick's and Squidward's houses)

Puffy Fluffy Monster: RAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWAR!!! (Saws SpongeBob's note on the at his pineapple house) Rawwwwr?!!

SpongeBob's note: Dear Puffy Fluffy. Gary and I went on vacation along with the snail-friends and everybody in Bikini Bottom. That's why we left you monsters in charge of everything. Back later in 5 days. Sincerely SpongeBob SquarePants. Oh P.S. (Laughs)

Puffy Fluffy Monster: Rawwwwwr!!!

Rrarrg: (Went into Patrick's rock house and knocks on it and the rock opens where he saw a giant note) Raaaar?

Patrick's note: Rrarrg. Went to get more giant paper. Uhhh... Patrick. P.S. Happy National Mo Monsters Day. (Laughs)

Rrarrg: Raaaaaaaaaawwwr!?

Alaskan Bull Worm: (Wiggles to Sandy's Treedome and saw a note on her door) Huuuuh?

Sandy's note: Alaskan Bull Worm. Went south for the winter. Love Sandy.

Alaskan Bull Worm: I don't get it the water is fine. (We zoom out to see that Sandy's Treedome is snowing)

Giant Golden Eel: (Wiggles to the anchor house and saw Mr. Krabs' note on the door) Whaaaah?!!

Mr. Krabs' note: Giant Golden Eel. Pearl and I went on vacation for 5 days away from Bikini Bottom. Signed Eugene Krabs.

Giant Golden Eel: Whawwr raaah!?

Cave Dweller: (Walk Pasted by the Chum Bucket and saw a note on Plankton's door) AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!

Plankton's note: Dear Cave Dwellers. I'm putting you in charge of this vacation while Karen and I left for 5 days away from Bikini Bottom nice knowing you. Sheldon J. Plankton.


Cave Monster: (Went towards the Snail-Clubhouse here at Snail-Park and saw a note on a door) GRAWWWWWWWR!!

Gary's note: Meow!

Snellie's note: Meow!

Lary's note: Meow!

Daniel's note: Meow!

Little Dollar's note: Meow!

Yo-yo's note: Meow!

Petey's note: Meow!

Muffsies's note: Mreooow!

Foofie's note: Mreow!

Mary's note: Meooooow!

Billy's note: Meow!

Micheal, Victoria, Eugene, Pat, Penney, Sweet Sue and Edward's note: Meow!

Boss, Dan and Spike: Meow!

Cave Monster: Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawr!!

Appetizer: (Went to Squidward's Tiki Head Island house and saw a note in his door) Blraaaaaaaaawwwwr!!!

Squidward's note: No!

Appetizer: Blaaawwwr!! (Eats a note revealing the other note)

Squidward's note: Yes! (The six monsters went back to the Appetizer who saw a note on Squidward's door)

Appetizer: Blawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwr!!

Alaskan Bull Worm: Darn. We wish we monsters have some people to eat but everybody in Bikini Bottom is gone. What are we going to do?

Puffy Fluffy Monster: RAWWWWWWWWWWWAR!!!

Cave Monster: Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawr!!!

Appetizer: Blrawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwr!!!

Alaskan Bull Worm: Hey you monsters are right we should have a party in Bikini Bottom here inside SpongeBob's Pineapple House. So here what we're going to invite. (Whispers to the other monsters to see what he's going to invite. Bubbles come up as the scene cuts to abyss where the sea monster is reading some newspaper)

Sea Monster: Hmm. Everybody in Bikini Bottom is gone except for monsters. (Just then, Puffy Fluffy Monster dropped the invitation onto the sea monster from the abyss) Huh? (Picks up an invitation and saw a word that says "Party") A Party? What kind of Party? (Bubbles come up as the scene cuts to Mr. Seaweed Monster Man until Puffy Fluffy Monster hands him an invitation)

Mr. Seaweed Monster Man: Reads the invitation that says "Party") A Party? What kind of Party? (Bubbles come up as the scene cuts to the bottom of the Trench near Shell City where a Frogfish Monster and a Giant Gulper Eel are sleeping until Puffy Fluffy Monster hands them the invitation)

Frogfish: Huh? (Reads the invitation that says "Party") A Party? What kind of Party? (Bubbles come up as the scene cuts to the ten trench monsters)

Maximus: Ahh this is the life.

Frogfish: (Came toward all ten trench monsters and hands them the invitation that says "Party") Here! An Invitation came from the monster in Bikini Bottom.

Maximus: Hmm. A Party? (Gasps) A Monster Party here at SpongeBob's Pineapple House!? We are so there!

A Gigantic Snail, A Giant Green Crab, Giant Magenta Clam, Purple Dragon/Lobster Monster, See Through Fish Monster and Giant Red Eel: A Monster Party!? Wooow!

Big Orange Fish: But who's it from?

Three Eyed Green Monster: It's from Puffy Fluffy from Bikini Bottom.

Purple Dragon/Lobster Monster: Well what's it say?

One Eyed Teal Monster: Yeah. Are there words in this?

Maximus: Well let's see. (Begins to read it) "Dear Trench Monsters From Shell City. You are invited to a monster party here at the pineapple house where nobody is at home during vacation. Please come to Bikini Bottom then we can start the monster party signed, Puffy Fluffy."

Big Yellow Monster: Wow this invitation can really send fast.

Giant Red Squid: I don't know what the invitation said maybe if I had a mouth.

Maximus: Do you know what this party means?

A Gigantic Snail: A Party filled with monsters at the yellow sponge's pineapple house?

Maximus: That's right. But this is a kind of party we party monsters like to do. They'll be food, drinks and dances and videos of flashbacks on television.

Giant Magenta Clam: What are we waiting for? Let's go to Bikini Bottom and party!!!

Trench Monsters: Hooraaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!! (They, the Giant Gulper Eel, Frogfish, Purple Dragon/Lobster Monster, See Through Fish Monster, Giant Red Eel, A Giant Humbolt Squid and an eight eyed squid went out of the Shell City Monster Trench and headed to the town of Bikini Bottom on the road)

A Giant Green Crab: C'mon Trench Monsters let's go to Bikini Bottom!!

Giant Gulper Eel: Whooo! Let's party!!

Frogfish: We're gonna be party monsters!!

Giant Magenta Clam: Yaay! Let's party!! (Bubbles come up as the scene cuts to SpongeBob's Pineapple House where Puffy Fluffy Monster, Alaskan Bull Worm, Appetizer, Giant Golden Eel, Rrarrg and the Thousand Eyed Green Cave Monster is getting ready for the party by decorating the living room)


Alaskan Bull Worm: You're right, Fluffy. I can't wait for the big party to start.

Appetizer: Blrawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwr!!!

Alaskan Bull Worm: How are things going out there fellow monsters?

Rrarrg: Raaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

Giant Golden Eel: Whaaahawr haaaawr hawwwr hawwwr.

Cave Monster: Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwr!!!!!!

Alaskan Bull Worm: That's good. And once we have invited all the monsters inside SpongeBob's house we are gonna start the party no monster never has.

Puffy Fluffy Monster: Rawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwr!!! (Scene fades to black. Scene cuts to 14 trench monsters who came to Bikini Bottom and toward SpongeBob's Pineapple House)

A Giant Green Crab: Here we are fellow trench monsters. Some yellow sponge's pineapple house.

A Gigantic Snail: Ooh. Some monster is in here who was about to get started at the party.

Giant Magenta Clam: I sure hope we fit inside that house.

Frogfish: I hope so. We can squeeze through that house when somebody opens the door and we'll go inside.

Giant Gulper Eel: And not even the people in sight.

Puffy Fluffy Monster: (Opens the door from the inside) RAWWWWWWWWWWWWAR!!!

Maximus: Hi, Fluffy. May we come in?

Puffy Fluffy Monster: RAWWWWAR!!!

Big Orange Fish: We'll take that as a yes. (All 14 trench monsters comes inside the pineapple house by crawling inside and squeezing through the opened door and stands up)

Alaskan Bull Worm: Why, Fellow Trench Monsters glad you made it all the way inside by squeezing through the door.

Big Yellow Monster: Thanks we got this invitation that you sent so we can party.

Purple Dragon/Lobster Monster: I can't wait for the party to start!

One Eyed Teal Monster: Yeah. And some food to eat too.

Three Eyed Green Monster: Now all we have to wait is five Cave Dwellers.

Giant Red Squid: This party won't start without that monster from the abyss.

Maximus: And the seaweed monster man.

Cave Monster: Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawr!!!!!

Appetizer: Blraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawr!!!

Rrarrg: Raaaahaaaar!!!

A Gigantic Snail: Hey Rrarrg. I can't wait for the party to start when we monsters are together.

Rrarrg: Raaaaaaaaar!!!

Giant Golden Eel: Whaaaawr whaahahahahaha waaar.

Giant Gulper Eel: Hey you're a giant eel like me. Only Golden.

Frogfish: Ooh. Here comes the other monsters who are here.


Alaskan Bull Worm: Cave Dwellers! (The five cave dwellers came inside the pineapple and walk toward Puffy Fluffy Monster, Rrarrg, Giant Golden Eel, Appetizer, Cave Monster and the Alaskan Bull Worm)

Puffy Fluffy Monster: Rawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwr!!!

Alaskan Bull Worm: Hey Cave Dwellers, welcome to the party. Now then we'll just have to wait for two monsters who can come over to the pineapple.

Appetizer: Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawr!!!






Cave Monster: Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawr!!!!!!

Alaskan Bull Worm: Please allow fluffy to take care of you dwellers.



Frogfish: Alright only two more monsters to go before we start the party.

French Narrator: (Reading time card) Many Hours Later... (We see the sea monster from the abyss coming toward SpongeBob's Pineapple House that night by opening the door and squeezes through inside the house)

Sea Monster: Hey, fellow monsters. I can't wait for the party to start. Besides I've got a bunch of sandwiches inside my bag.

Maximus: Ooh that's great. I can't wait to try one of these.

Three Eyed Green Monster: What do you call these sandwiches?

Giant Red Squid: We must tell what's inside your bag.

Sea Monster: Uhh well let's see I've got Krabby Patties. Chum Sandwiches which is my favorite and a bunch of deserts.

Purple Dragon/Lobster Monster: Okay we can try one of those things.

One Eyed Teal Monster: Yup. Them Monsters from Bikini Bottom sure know how to party.

Big Orange Fish: But what about those monsters from the island? Of course we never invited them before in our lives.

Sea Monster: Oh they'll be coming at least the next morning now what do we say we try these sandwiches?

A Gigantic Snail: We would be delighted to try one of your sandwiches.

Giant Magenta Clam: Yeah. Only if it doesn't go into my eye but into my mouth.

A Giant Green Crab: We should eat sandwiches in the kitchen. Shall we fellow trench monsters?

Maximus: Let's shall!

Frogfish: Oh boy. Lunch time!

Giant Gulper Eel: I love these sandwiches even if they go into my body.

Sea Monster: Then follow me to the kitchen so we monsters can all eat. I'm hungry. (Bubbles come up as the scene cuts to the kitchen where all 18 Trench Monsters are sitting around the table eating a lot of Krabby Patties. Thousand Eyed Green Cave Monster who is eating a peanut butter sandwiches a lot. Alaskan Bull Worm who is eating a jelly sandwiches a lot. The Appetizer who can eat peas from the can a lot. Puffy Fluffy Monster who can eat a lot of food from the fridge. Rrarrg who can eat a tons of Krabby Patties. Giant Golden Eel who can eat a tons of Krabby Patties and Sea Monster who can eat Chum Sandwiches) Now these sandwiches hit the spot.

Giant Gulper Eel: You said it.

Puffy Fluffy Monster: (Grum, Grum, Grum, Grum, Grum, Grum, Grum, Grum, Grum)

Rrarrg: Rhaaaaaar.

A Giant Green Crab: These sandwiches are so good.

A Gigantic Snail: I'll say. We monsters never eat people while on an empty stomach.

Giant Magenta Clam: Those sandwiches go right through my tongue.

Frogfish: Yeah. It'll be time for the party soon. (Suddenly, the doorbell rings. An Eight Eyed Squid and a Giant Lobster saw four monsters from the island)

A Giant Lobster: Hey, Puffy Fluffy! There's somebody at the door!

An Eight Eyed Squid: Yeah. It's those monsters from the island.

Puffy Fluffy Monster: RAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWAR!!! (Wiggles toward the door opens it and lets in Monsters X, Y, Z and ?? inside the house)

Monster X: Blraaargh!!

Monster Y: (Hissing) Hawwwwr!!


Monster ??: GRAAAAAAAWR!!

Appetizer: Blraaaaawr!!

Alaskan Bull Worm: Welcome fellow monsters from the island!

Big Orange Fish: Feel free to stay with us if you want to party with us monsters.

Monster X: Blaaaargh!!

Monster Y: (Hissing) Hawwwwr!!


Monster ??: GRAAAAAAAWAR!!

Maximus: Now there's only one monster left before we start the party.

A Gigantic Snail: We need to wait for Mr. Seaweed Monster Man.

Appetizer: Blrawwwwwr!!!

French Narrator: (Reading Time Card) The Next Day... (The next morning, we see Mr. Seaweed Monster Man carrying a videotape of flashbacks in his hand walking toward SpongeBob's pineapple home)

Mr. Seaweed Monster Man: (Opens the door and comes inside the pineapple house) Hey!

Alaskan Bull Worm: Hey, Mr. Seaweed Monster Man you came at last. Now we can start the party!

Mr. Seaweed Monster Man: Yup. I've got your invitation! Thanks for inviting me to your monster party. Also I've brought a videotape of flashbacks to see of which monster is scary and friendly.

Three Eyed Green Monster: That's great I love flashbacks on this videotape.

Purple Dragon/Lobster Monster: Wow. Thank you, Mr. Seaweed Monster Man.

One Eyed Teal Monster: Yeah. Thank you very much.

Giant Red Squid: I hope it's about us trench monsters singing a wonderful song.

Big Yellow Monster: We love to watch one of these flashbacks you've edited together.

Mr. Seaweed Monster Man: It's settled. Let's all watch this video to see what we remembered.

All 18 Trench Monsters: Horaaaaay!!!!! (Scene fades to black. Scene fades back to all the monsters inside SpongeBob's Pineapple House who are now sitting down far away in front of the television and Mr. Seaweed Monster Man puts in the video tape of flashbacks he edited together into the VCR)

Mr. Seaweed Monster Man: Alright gather around fellow monsters. It's time to watch our favorite flashbacks I'd edited together to see who is the scariest or the friendliest monster in all of Bikini Bottom.

All Trench Monsters: Horaaaaaay!!!

Mr. Seaweed Monster Man: And the flashbacks are... (Presses the play button on the VCR showing the flashback episodes) Cave Monster in... "Your Shoe's Untied". (We zoom into a video of a flashback episode "Your Shoe's Untied" after SpongeBob said to the monster in a cave "Could you show me how to tie a simple knot?" [pair of eyes become multiple eyes and the cave monster eats SpongeBob. 'Cave monster spits him out of it's blow hole and all the monsters cheered for the thousand eyed green cave monster]

Cave Monster: Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawr!!!

Mr. Seaweed Monster Man: Next up is The Alaskan Bull Worm in... "Sandy, SpongeBob, and The Worm". (We zoom into the video of a flashback episode "Sandy, SpongeBob, and The Worm" when SpongeBob told Sandy about the tongue tied to it's knot)

SpongeBob: That's not the worm.

Sandy: Pardon?

SpongeBob: That's not the worm. That's his tongue. [camera zooms out to show that SpongeBob is right; the opening of the cave is actually the worm's open mouth; his eyes make a squishy blinking noise]

Sandy: Ohhhh. This is the tongue, and... the whole thing... is the... worm. [freaks out] RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! [they sprint away; the worm growls angrily, chomps down, and chases after them and all the monsters cheered for the Alaskan Bull Worm]

Alaskan Bull Worm: Wow I've got a knot in my tongue. I feel proud. GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWAR!!!

Mr. Seaweed Monster Man: Yeah uh get the knot out of your tongue would you, Alaskan Bull Worm? Next up is The Appetizer in... "Squilliam Returns". (We zoom into the video of the flashback episode "Squilliam Returns" Where Patrick, still tied up, runs out of the kitchen. Mr. Krabs, still tied up, runs out, also]'

Mr. Krabs: Run for your lives, everyone! It's The Appetizer! [The Appetizer, on the grill, is alive and is crawling around while everyone screams and panics. Squidward's tuxedo ripped off and his Krusty Krab hat floats into his head and his name tag appears on his shirt and all the monsters cheered and clapped for The Appetizer]

Appetizer: Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawr!!!!!

Mr. Seaweed Monster Man: How crazy. Next up is a Sea Monster from the abyss in... "20,000 Patties Under the Sea!" (We zoom into the video to a flashback episode "20,000 Patties Under the Sea!" where the sea monster sees SpongeBob and Patrick and the Chum-Wich they made)

Sea Monster: All right, what's going on in there? [He sees the Chum Patty] Hey, that looks like a sandwich to me!

SpongeBob: But not just a sandwich. It's a...Chum-Wich.

Sea Monster: [eats it and likes it] Mmm! Now that's a sandwich! (All the monsters clapped and cheered for the Sea Monster from the abyss) Now that looks like a flashback to me.

Mr. Seaweed Monster Man: Right. Enjoy your sandwiches, Mr. Sea Monster. Next up is the five Cave Dwellers in... "The Chum Caverns!" (We zoom into the flashback episode "Chum Caverns" where Growling comes from another cave attached to this one] 

Plankton: Cave dwellers! [Big, hairy orange creatures with brown hair, sharp tusks and green lips come out of a cave. Plankton pulls out a whip and whips them into submission. They all sadly huddle in a corner] Back! That's better. From now on, you shall be my minions—Servants to follow my every order! I decree this kingdoms to be called the Chum Caverns! And may the people of Bikini Bottom shudder in awe of its Majesty! Ha, ha, ha, ha!!! (All the monsters clapped and cheered for the five cave dwellers)

Mr. Seaweed Monster Man: Okay. Moving right along. Puffy Fluffy Monster in... "A Pal For Gary". [We zoom into the video of a flashback episode "A Pal For Gary" where we see Gary is about to get eaten by Puffy Fluffy Monster which he puts his four long tongues on Gary and all the monsters cheered for and clapped for Puffy Fluffy Monster]

Puffy Fluffy Monster: RAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWAR!!!!! (Sticks out his four long tongues)

Mr. Seaweed Monster Man: You were really close eating that snail huh, Puffy Fluffy? Next up is Rrarrg the Monster in... "The Monster Who Came To Bikini Bottom". (We zoom into a video of a flashback episode from Legends Of Bikini Bottom where Rrarrg throws all three houses from SpongeBob's, Squidward's and Patrick's houses and laughs monastery and breaks them into a pile of gravel. All the monsters clapped and cheered for Rrarrg)

Rrarrg: Rha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Mr. Seaweed Monster Man: You think this is funny huh, Rrarrg? Next is the Giant Golden Eel in... "The Curse Of The Hex!" (We zoom into a video of a flashback episode also from Legends Of Bikini Bottom where the Giant Golden Eel strangles Mr. Krabs with his tail and SpongeBob use to get a gold duballoon out of the Giant Golden Eel's throat putting Mr. Krabs down and all the monsters cheered and clapped for the Giant Golden Eel)

Giant Golden Eel: Hunaaah? Whaaaawr Haaaaawr!

Mr. Seaweed Monster Man: And Trench Monsters in... "Now That We're Men!!" (We zoom into a video of "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie" Where SpongeBob and Patrick are in the bottom of the trench wearing seaweed mustaches on their faces and bust to a song the whole time dodging monsters)

SpongeBob and Patrick: ♪Now that we're men, we can do anything.♪ [An eel flips them in the sky and is about to eat them] ♪Now that we're men, we are invincible.♪ [A squid catches them but crashes in a tall piece of coral] ♪Now that we're men, we'll go to Shell City,♪ [they slide down the coral and fly across 3 slow monsters. They then fall in a see-through fish]♪ get the crown, save the town, and Mr. Krabs.♪ [They walk out of the end of it's gut] ♪Now that we're men,♪ [walking between sea urchins]

SpongeBob: ♪We have facial hair.♪

SpongeBob and Patrick: ♪Now that we're men,♪

Patrick: [An urchin rips Patrick's shorts off] ♪I change my underwear.♪

SpongeBob and Patrick: ♪Now that we're men, we've got a manly flair.♪ [waking over volcanoes switching on and off] ♪We've got the stuff. We're tough enough to save the day.♪ [playing hopscotch over lava rocks] ♪We never had a chance when we were kids. No! No! No!♪ [They dodge a monster's head, a green hand and a monstrous boulder] ♪But take a look at what the mermaid did.♪ [They dodge a giant green crab who can't even get a chance to pinch them] ♪Ha! Ha! Ha!♪ [They walk onto a road which turns out to be a big, blue, one eyed angler fish's fin. The two begin dancing and slapping their bodies]

SpongeBob: Yeah, go, Pat. [a green 3 eyed fish and a red squid appears with the purple one-eyed angler fish. When SpongeBob and Patrick were slapping their bodies and legs, the green 3 eyed fish beckons an big orange fish, a purple lobster/dragon, a green one eyed monster with 3 arms on its head, a snail with its eyes on its shell, a big yellow monster with an eye on a stalk and a clam with one eye in its mouth]

Patrick: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

SpongeBob: Oh yeah.

Patrick: Yeah, go SpongeBob. [They both finish by touching the tip of their toes] Ah!

Monsters: Hooray! ♪Now that they're men, We can't bother them. Now that they're men, they have become our friends. Now that they're men, they'll be a happy end. They'll pass the test and finish the quest for the crown. They'll pass the test♪ [they slap their bodies] ♪and finish the quest.♪ [and again] ♪They'll pass the test and finish the quest for the crown!♪ [The group happily reaches the top of a trench as SpongeBob notices a sign and all the monsters cheered and clapped for the Trench Monsters]

A Gigantic Snail: Hey how did they know? They like us! They really like us!

Giant Magenta Clam: Yeah. Especially the one SpongeBob and Patrick made up the song up since the first day we become our friends.

A Giant Green Crab: Too bad I wasn't in the group with you my fellow trench monsters.

Frogfish: Sounds like he forgot me and the Giant Gulper Eel. Rrarrg, go out there and tell him that we need an announcement.

Rrarrg: Raaaaaaar. (Stands up and walks to Mr. Seaweed Monster Man and whispered into his ear)

Mr. Seaweed Monster Man: Oh right. We would now hear a speech for the announcement from the entrance to the trench and Shell City and now here's the Frogfish and some 4,000 feet monster known as the Giant Gulper Eel. (Frogfish and the Giant Gulper Eel stand up and walks toward the television next to Mr. Seaweed Monster Man and speaks to the other monsters for the announcement)

Frogfish: Uhh. Thank you for your flashbacks that you've edited together on video, Mr. Seaweed Monster Man. And I may say that this party we monsters are having is a great one we had.

Giant Gulper Eel: Yeah and as us Trench Monsters from Shell City we would now dance to the music until all the people of Bikini Bottom return from their vacation for 3 more days.

Frogfish: That's exactly what we ment. Until National No Monsters Day passes, we monsters must go back to where we belong and all the people will come back to Bikini Bottom to celebrate something else this vacation.

Giant Gulper Eel: But for now... Let's Party!

Monsters: Horaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!

Mr. Seaweed Monster Man: Hey! (He turns on the radio to an upbeat music from the episode of "Jellyfish Jam". And all the monsters began to dance and slap their bodies)

Alaskan Bull Worm: Oh yeah!!


Appetizer: Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawr!!!

Puffy Fluffy Monster: RAWWWAR!!!


Rrarrg: Ra ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Giant Golden Eel: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa huuuuuuuuuu hawwwr haaaaaaa!!!

French Narrator: (Reading Time Card) 3 Days Later... (We see SpongeBob coming back to his house from vacation by opening the door and got inside and saw all the monsters partying in the living room)

SpongeBob: (Gasps) Great Barrier Reef!! (All the monsters sees SpongeBob and Mr. Seaweed Monster Man turns off the radio of an upbeat music)

Mr. Seaweed Monster Man: SpongeBob! What brings you back from vacation?

SpongeBob: All of us people and pets just got out of vacation. Where did you Monsters came from?

Giant Red Squid: Well you see, we monsters are having a party at your house we planned to get you and all the citizens in Bikini Bottom to take a vacation even their pet snails and worms.

Three Eyed Green Monster: What brings you back here to tell us trench monsters?

Big Yellow Monster: Yeah, Mr. SquarePants we like to know.

SpongeBob: Because, fellow Trench Monsters. It's a whole day without monsters ever being so scary and hideous and disgusting as they use to be. Hosting a party is what I use to have. For my friends. Even animals have parties too. So now you understand what I'm saying huh?

Maximus: Wow. I think this yellow sponge has taught us a valuable lesson about us monsters having a party at his house.

Purple Dragon/Lobster Monster: Yeah. This party is now done.

One Eyed Teal Monster: Everything's done.

Big Orange Fish: Yup. That was the best party we monsters ever had.

A Gigantic Snail: I sure hope somebody else throws the party at your house ey, SpongeBob?

Giant Magenta Clam: Yeah. Maybe some fish kids will throw a party at your house.

SpongeBob: Ohhh.

Sea Monster: I know anything about parties. Now c'mon fellow monsters let's all go home! (Thousand Eyed Green Cave Monster, Alaskan Bull Worm, Appetizer, Mr. Seaweed Monster Man, Sea Monster from the abyss, Five Cave Dwellers, Puffy Fluffy Monster, Rrarrg, Giant Golden Eel and Monsters X, Y, Z and ?? get out of SpongeBob's Pineapple home)

SpongeBob: Well I'll be in my room getting my PJ's on and wait for my pet snail Gary to come back from the Snail-Clubhouse. Good night, fellow trench monsters!!!

Trench Monsters: Good night, SpongeBob!!!

A Giant Green Crab: Come fellow, trench monsters. Our party here is done. (All 18 Trench Monsters got out of SpongeBob's pineapple house as the sunsets to night time outside and we zoom out of SpongeBob's Pineapple home)


(End Credits)

"United Plankton Pictures"

"Nickelodeon Productions"

TM Copyright @ 2015 Nickelodeon/United Plankton Pictures


Scary Snail #1: Yo. Scary Alley Snails here. You remembered us from the episode special "Have You Seen This Snail?" But this time...It's different.

Scary Snail #2: Now this time it's Gary and his Snail-Friends' turn to lose their memories by eating too much food and get huge and overweighted.

Scary Snail #3: And some four strangers from Bikini Bottom came to find the yellow sponge and the snails together from our town called Bass Vegas! Can Gary and the other snails return to their old life with these "strangers" or stay in Bass Vegas with Grandma as tuffsies? Next on The Adventures Of Gary The Snail "Whatever Happened To Gary, Snellie and Lary?" Scary Alley Snails out.
